Wednesday, September 23, 2009


In the present system, one set of representatives are elected and empowered to govern the country. The proposed system enables the people to elect and empower different sets of representatives from different extent of areas (village and villages grouped) to perform the different, defined and distinct functions of the same parliament through different segments of that parliament like the different organs of our body – brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, nose, ears etc – performing different functions to keep us alive. To be more explicit the concept is as follows:

1. Segment A – a group entrusted to enact laws for – good governance, collection of revenue and other connected affairs – with the concurrence of all the groups in Segment C, but excluding implementation (at National level and consisting of 10 members elected from each district area, 100 members elected nationally on trade basis and 50 members elected nationally on ideological basis).

2. Segment B – a group entrusted with coordinating the activities of all the groups in Segment C, the fiscal management of the country including collection and disbursement of revenue, foreign affairs, national planning (in consultation and with the concurrence of the concerned groups in Segment F) and the like and implementing through concerned groups in Segment D by directly providing the necessary funds (at National level and consisting of 15 members elected from each regional area).

3. Segment C – Groups entrusted to administer different regions of the country based on the laws enacted by Segment A with its concurrence, maintain law and order, approve project proposals submitted by the concerned groups in Segment D and to obtain the necessary funds for expenditure from Segment B (at Regional area level and consisting of 04 members elected from each divisional area within that regional area).

4. Segment D – Groups entrusted to implement all project proposals approved by Segment B or by concerned group in Segment C and with funds provided by them (at District area level and consisting of 03 members elected from each sub-divisional area within that district area).

5. Segment E – Groups entrusted to coordinate and confirm project proposals submitted by concerned groups in Segment F and forward them for approval to concerned group in Segment C (at Sub-divisional area level and consisting of 03 members elected from each village area within that sub-divisional area).

6. Segment F – Groups entrusted to prepare project proposals for their area and approving concerned proposals submitted by Segment B and submit all proposals to concerned Segment E for confirmation. They would naturally oversee the implementation of their proposals. (at Village level and consisting of 05 members elected from within that village area).

7. Segment G – Groups entrusted to monitor the functions of all the Segments for transparency, accountability, and take necessary action to curtail irregularities with an eye on the elimination of corruption (at Divisional level and consisting of 02 members elected from each village area within that divisional area)

(Presently all the above functions are performed by one group of party representatives –not people's representatives – without sufficient checks, the cause for the present turmoil in the country.)

In these proposals, gramasevaka (G.S.) area is the smallest unit and G.S. areas are grouped to form sub-divisions, sub-divisions are grouped to form divisions, divisions are grouped to form districts, districts are grouped to form regions and the regions grouped to form the country. There would be only one institution – the Parliament with seven segments –that would satisfactorily govern the entire country. Presently we have the presidential secretariat, a central government, 9 provincial governments and a large number of local governments, in attending to matters of governing the country with their functions overlapping. In the proposed system there is only one establishment attending to matters of governing the country thus reducing the financial burden and cumbersome bureaucracy, while increasing all round efficiency coupled with streamlined speedy development, resulting in the reawakening of the country as a Paradise Isle for a pleasant living to all its inhabitants.

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