Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Period of all Segments

The term (period) of all Segments shall be four years and elections should be held only once in every four years with dates to be fixed in the constitution itself as in the U.S.A. It is suggested that nominations be called in the month of August and elections be held in the month of September, and the new members assuming office in the month of October as there are no significant religious events in these months. The period for transition of power to the newly elected persons shall be a minimum of seven days and a maximum of fourteen days. A line of succession shall be formulated as in the U.S.A. to fill in any vacancies in the offices of the Head and Deputy Head of State, Head's or Deputy head's of Segments or Assistant Head's of Segment C that might occur in between election dates. The person whowas next in line in the last election shall fill in the vacancies caused by persons directly elected by the voters.

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